If you are preparing to take the PMI-ACP® Exam, so this simulator is a very good choice for you to help you pass the PMI-ACP® exam on your first trial.
Why to choose this simulator?
• It contains 6 full realistic timed PMI-ACP® practice exam consists of 120 questions in 3 hours.
• It contains 7 quizzes to cover all PMI-ACP domains.
• 50 free questions.
• All questions are similar to the real exam questions.
• Explanations for every right answer.
• It contains more than 700 questions
You can get the simulator now with a special discount 29.99$ instead of 60$
You can use this simulator on your computer or your phone using the below links
• Web https://pmp-arabic-simulator.com/pmp/course?course=PMI-ACP
• Play Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pmparabicexamsimulator.eps&hl=en&gl=US
• Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pm-exam-simulator/id1202665913?ls=1